20 Easy Hunger Games Drawings Ideas to Spark Your Artistic Side

Discover quick and simple “Hunger Games” drawing ideas perfect for fans and budding artists alike.

Mockingjay Pin

mockingjay pin

A symbol of rebellion and hope in the Hunger Games series, the Mockingjay pin represents the resilience of the districts against the Capitol’s tyranny.

Katniss’s Braid

katnisss braid

Katniss’s braid gives a distinctive look, adding character to the drawings, and reflecting her resourcefulness and strength.

Peeta’s Bread

peetas bread

Incorporate Peeta’s bread into your Hunger Games drawing for a symbolic touch.

Bow and Arrow

bow and arrow

A bow and arrow in “The Hunger Games” is a weapon used by Katniss Everdeen in the arena. It symbolizes her skill, precision, and ability to survive in the deadly competition. The bow and arrow play a significant role in her journey and survival throughout the series.

Tracker Jacker

tracker jacker

Tracker jackers are genetically modified wasps that are lethal when their nest is disturbed. These insects play a crucial role in the survival and challenges faced in the Hunger Games.



Cornucopia is a hub of resources and weapons in the Hunger Games arena, attracting tributes at the start of the games. It is a site of both opportunity and danger, where alliances are formed and betrayals occur. The Cornucopia holds essential supplies crucial for survival, but it also becomes a battleground where the fittest and most strategic emerge victorious.

Capitol’s Skyline

capitols skyline

Capturing the grandeur of the Capitol’s skyline in a Hunger Games drawing adds a touch of futuristic glamour to your artwork.

District 12 Sign

district 12 sign

Imagine drawing the iconic District 12 sign to represent Katniss’s home place in your Hunger Games-themed art.

Effie’s Butterfly Hair

effies butterfly hair

Effie’s butterfly hair celebrates whimsical fashion and unique flair in the Hunger Games universe, adding a touch of extravagance to the character’s appearance.

Gale’s Trap

gales trap

Gale’s trap shows his resourcefulness in hunting.

Finnick’s Trident

finnicks trident

Finnick’s trident serves as a symbol of his strength and skill in the Hunger Games arena.

Cinna’s Gold Eyeliner

cinnas gold eyeliner

Cinna’s gold eyeliner symbolizes rebellion and luxury in the Hunger Games series. It is a bold statement that represents courage and defiance against the Capitol’s oppressive regime. The gold eyeliner adds a touch of sophistication and glamour to the characters’ appearance, making them stand out in the dystopian world of Panem.

Prim’s Goat

prims goat

Prim’s goat, Lady, symbolizes innocence and hope in “The Hunger Games”.

Nightlock Berries

nightlock berries

Nightlock berries add a deadly twist to the Hunger Games. They play a crucial role in the storyline, showcasing the high stakes of the competition.

Haymitch’s Flask

haymitchs flask

Haymitch’s flask: An iconic accessory that symbolizes his coping mechanism and rebellious spirit, adding depth to his character portrayal within the Hunger Games series.

Capitol Fashion Outfit

capitol fashion outfit

Transform your drawings with extravagant and flamboyant Capitol fashion outfits from the Hunger Games series.

District 13 Symbol

district 13 symbol

District 13 symbol stands as a beacon of rebellion and defiance in the Hunger Games world, representing resilience and the fight against oppression.



A Jabberjay is a genetically engineered bird used to spy on enemies in The Hunger Games.

Rue’s Flower

rues flower

Rue’s flower symbolizes hope and innocence in “The Hunger Games”.

Hunger Games Arena Map

hunger games arena map

A Hunger Games arena map is a detailed layout of the arena where tributes compete in the games. It shows different terrains, traps, and strategic locations that could impact the outcome of the games. The map helps tributes plan their movements, anticipate dangers, and strategize their gameplay to increase their chances of surviving. It adds an element of realism and immersion to the Hunger Games experience for fans and artists alike.

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